Monday, February 24, 2014

Less than 90 days untill the 500

Hey Indy fans,

Did you know it was less than 90 days until the 500. I didn't until just now.
I have an app on my phone that counts down the days but it got stuck on 94 days. I thought it was 94 days last week so I checked an found out the app crashed.

Anyway, I need to get this trip confirmed so let me know if you are interested in going this year by purchasing your tickets using the button to the right.

The price went up this year for Vista tickets. From $85 to $100.

I need to hear from you by March 17 (which means I need to hear from you by March 14 because I'll be drinking that whole weekend that Monday). That's 3 whole weeks to decide. Some of us need that much time and some don't.

Remember, order your tickets first and then decide on your wardrobe.

And let's not forget, this event is a fundraiser for the Cincinnati Soap Box Derby. Don't think of yourselves. think of the kids you're helping.